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Smile Makeover Antalya

Smile Makeover Antalya
Smile Makeover Antalya
Smile Makeover Antalya

Smile makeover Antalya is the process of improving the appearance of a smile with one or more cosmetic dentistry procedures such as dental veneers, composite bonding, dental implants, teeth whitening. While making a smile makeover, it is applied by taking into account details such as facial appearance, skin tone, hair color, teeth (color, width, length, shape and tooth appearance), gum tissue and lips. Smile make-up is a completely personalized process.

What can be improved in teeth with Smile Makeover?

With the Smile makeover, the details that you are not satisfied with in your smile are improved. Thus, you can make a difference with your smile by rediscovering your smile. The features that can be improved on your teeth with Smile makeover are;

Tooth Color: Silver or amalgam dental fillings can be replaced with natural tooth-colored composite restorations, while teeth whitening can improve the color of stained or dulled teeth. Tooth color and shading is an important consideration during the evaluation and preparation of various procedures, including porcelain veneers, crowns, bridges, composite bonding and dental implants.

Dark and colorless teeth can make you look older. A well-shaped smile with bright and white teeth gives a youthful appearance. You can have a white smile with the teeth whitening method.

Sequencing and Spacing: Crooked, overlapping, or gaping teeth can be corrected and aligned with orthodontics or Invisalign and healed with veneers as needed.

Missing Teeth: One or more missing teeth you lose can negatively affect the appearance of your smile. In addition, your missing teeth negatively affect your chewing functions. Your missing teeth can be replaced with dental implants, bridges or partial dentures.

Harmony and Balance: Jagged, chipped and cracked teeth can be cosmetically bonded for a better appearance and teeth can be reshaped to help improve the overall appearance of the smile.

Fuller Lips, Smile, and Cheeks: A shapeless or aged-looking face can be improved or rejuvenated with certain procedures, including orthodontics or maxillofacial surgery, in the smile makeup category.

A cosmetic dentist will work closely with you to develop a treatment plan designed to get exactly what you want from your smile makeup. This treatment plan may consist of many cosmetic and functionally restorative procedures such as teeth whitening, composite bonding, veneers, dental crowns, orthodontics (braces), oral maxillofacial surgery, and reduction of gingival smile.

Aesthetic Components of Smile Makeup

In addition to the color, alignment, and balance of your teeth (the part of the upper and lower teeth that appear when you smile), there are several aspects of your teeth and smile that your cosmetic dentist will evaluate for a smile makeover. These features are;

Tooth Length: Long teeth give a youthful appearance. For teeth that appear shorter with wear and tear over time, it can be reshaped and extended with composite bonding or porcelain veneers. Also, tooth lengthening can affect your overall facial appearance. For example, in an individual with a round face, shaped, long, square teeth can provide a slimming effect.

Smile Line: The smile line is an imaginary line that traces the edges of your upper teeth from side to side and should ideally be in line with the crease of your lower lip when you smile. This standard reference point can be used to help determine how long your new teeth should be.

Tooth Ratios: Your aesthetic dentist will examine your teeth and determine whether they are in correct proportion to each other. Most people recognize a pleasant smile as a smile with two central front teeth predominant and a width-length ratio of 4 to 5. This proportion directs the length and width of the other teeth in the aesthetic area, making the smile line look balanced.

Tooth Texture and Characterization: In addition to matching the look and feel of natural teeth or the teeth you see in photographs, a dentist can characterize your crowns or veneers to create a more feminine or more masculine appearance.


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