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Dental Crowns Turkey

Dental Crowns Turkey
Dental Crowns Turkey
Dental Crowns Turkey

We use crowns in our patients coming from abroad or from Turkey who have lost too much substance in their teeth, teeth that we want to provide a more aesthetic appearance, bridge and implant applications. However, in our clinic in Antalya, we prefer the most suitable and best dental veneers according to the condition of our patient's teeth. For this reason, we use emax, zirconium or metal supported crowns according to the budget of our patient and the condition of his teeth. We offer the best dental veneers with our specialist dentist. We provide very successful treatment results in full set oral dental crowns and several dental applications at affordable cost in Antalya Turkey.

Dental Crowns in Turkey Antalya

As one of the best dental clinics in Turkey and Antalya, we are able to provide excellent treatment results to our patients in dental veneer treatments as well as in all dental treatments. Thanks to the state-of-the-art equipment and the quality of the materials we use, we make a difference in all dental procedures in Turkey. Before our treatments in Turkey, we decide which dental veneers we will apply to our patients in line with the expectations of our patients and the condition of their teeth.

If our patient wants the most aesthetic treatment result, we recommend full ceramic coating to that patient. However, there is no such thing as only full ceramic crowns to achieve aesthetic results. The most important point here is the experience and skill of the physician.

The most cost-effective crowns in Turkey are metal-supported crowns. Then zirconia veneers and finally emax veneers come. Emax and celtra dual veneers are the most expensive dental veneers in Turkey. However, the most aesthetically pleasing dental veneers are Emax and celtra duo veneers. We can provide the most aesthetic treatment results with these dental veneers in Antalya. Zirconium comes in second place. Then there are metal-supported coatings in the last place aesthetically. Özdemir Dental Center founding physician Dr. With Erdem Özdemir, we can achieve extremely excellent treatment results in dental veneer treatments.

Types of Dental Crowns We Use

Dental crowns are available in different materials and types. There are substructure supported crowns as well as fully glass ceramic crowns without substructure support. We use all types of dental veneers at our dental clinic in Antalya, Turkey.

  • Zirconium Crowns
  • Emax Crowns
  • Metal Backed
  • Porcelain Crowns

Zirconium Teeth

Zirconium dental porcelain crowns are the most commonly used dental veneers in our clinic in Antalya, Turkey. However, there is a misconception among patients. When it comes to zirconium porcelain teeth, patients perceive it as a porcelain type of zirconium. However, zirconium is not a porcelain. Actually, zirconia is a white mineral. They have very high resistance to chewing loads. In order to prevent the porcelain from breaking, we use metal-supported porcelain as the infrastructure of the porcelain tooth. Because porcelain is a very fragile material. For this reason, we use zirconium or metal as a substructure material to support the porcelain. However, in today's technology, there are now compressed and reinforced porcelains. These are called full ceramics. Thanks to the zirconium support they contain, we can apply full ceramics in single tooth treatments as well as bridge treatments. But it should be noted that the bridge should not be too long. Aesthetically, all-ceramic dental crowns are one step ahead. However, in terms of durability, full ceramic crowns lag behind zirconium and metal supported crowns. For this reason, we decide which dental veneers we will apply in Antalya Turkey according to the preferences of our patients and the condition of their teeth. In Turkey, we apply zirconia veneers to the anterior and posterior teeth, providing maximum satisfaction to our patients with a highly aesthetic smile design. In addition, we frequently apply zirconium teeth in bridge treatments and dental implants in Turkey.

Why Do Full Ceramic Dental Crowns Look More Aesthetic?

The reason why full ceramic dental crowns look more aesthetic is that they have light transmittance. Because the more light a porcelain transmits, the more natural and aesthetic appearance it provides. For example; There is no substance in our natural teeth that can hold light, such as metal or zirconium. For this reason, as light comes, it passes between our teeth and is reflected, and therefore no shadow is formed.

There is an obvious difference in light transmission between metal-supported dental porcelain crowns and zirconium-supported dental crowns. For this reason, zircon veneers are more preferred by our patients in Turkey, considering their cost and aesthetic advantages. However, with full ceramic emax and celtra duo dental crowns, as Özdemir Dental Center in Turkey, we can provide the closest and most aesthetic appearance to the natural tooth. Zirconium coatings are applications where durability and aesthetics meet at the most ideal point.

Advantages of Zirconium Coating:

  • It transmits light more than metal-supported porcelain.
  • Therefore, a more natural image is formed.
  • They are the most durable dental coatings. In this way, we provide maximum durability and aesthetics.
  • Zirconium is a biocompatible material with the body.
  • Therefore, there is no allergic condition in the body.
  • If our patients pay attention to their oral and dental health, they can use the zirconium dental crowns we apply for many years.

Disadvantages of Zirconium Crowns:

In zirconium dental treatments, we cut and reduce the teeth. However, this shortcoming is compensated with the aesthetics it provides and the advantage of use for many years.
It is more costly than metal-supported porcelain.

Emax Crowns


Emax crowns are one of the most commonly used dental crowns in Turkey. Because our patients want us to give the most aesthetic result. If our patients request crown treatment from us, we offer them zirconia or emax dental veneers. However, we decide which dental veneer to use according to the patient's desire, financial situation and the condition of his teeth. If there is a lot of deformation, caries and material loss in the teeth, then we are more likely to prefer zirconium crowns. However, if our patient wants to have their teeth covered only for aesthetic concerns and the condition of their teeth is suitable for this, then we can do emax dental veneer in Antalya Turkey.

All-ceramic emax dental crowns are made entirely of ceramic. For this reason, we do not use any infrastructure material when applying these crowns. However, there are many types of all-ceramic dental crowns. Some emax crowns also contain zirconium powder to provide maximum aesthetics and durability. In this way, the durability of full ceramic emax crowns has been increased.

How Do We Apply Emax Dental Crowns?

In Turkey, we apply emax full ceramic dental veneers with less reduction than zirconium veneers. We reduce the teeth by cutting them all around again. However, since we do not use any infrastructure support when applying emax crowns, this gives us less cutting opportunity when putting it on. Therefore, all-ceramic crowns fit a wider tooth area. In this way, the durability of emax crowns increases. However, there is a very important detail between emax dental veneer application and zirconium veneer application. In order to apply full ceramic emax dental crowns without errors, it is necessary to create steps on the tooth surface. In this way, full ceramic crowns can fit the tooth in a healthy way.

Thanks to the strength of the zirconium crowns in stepless cutting, no opening or wedge effect occurs where the tooth is seated. However, if we place the full ceramic porcelain in stepless cutting, the full ceramic porcelain cannot withstand and breaks due to the forces coming here. For this reason, in all-ceramic porcelain cutting, the crowns must sit on the step of the tooth and transmit the bite force to the step. Thanks to our experienced and well-equipped physician, we achieve very successful results in emax dental veneer treatment in Turkey.

Advantages of Emax Crowns:

It is the most aesthetic dental veneer treatment.
Since there is no infrastructure support, we cut less teeth.
The light transmittance is at the maximum level. For this reason, emax veneers are the closest dental veneers to the natural tooth appearance.

Disadvantages of Emax Crowns:

We do not prefer it in long bridge treatments because its durability is lower than other coating types. In such cases, we prefer zirconium veneers that combine maximum aesthetics and durability.
They are the most expensive dental veneers.

Metal Backed Porcelain

Metal destekli diş kaplamaları oldukça dayanıklıdır. Özdemir Dental Center olarak biz daha çok arka dişlerde uzun köprü tedavileri için tercih etmekteyiz. Çünkü bu bölge yüksek dayanıklılık gerektiren bir bölgedir. Bu yüzden metal destekli diş kaplamalarını uzun köprü uygulamalarında dayanıklı olmaları nedeniyle daha sık kullanıyoruz. Ancak hastanın maddi durumu ve kişisel tercihleri ​​de bu kararı etkiler. Bu nedenle hastamızın maddi gücü yeterli ise arka kron ve köprü tedavileri için Antalya'daki kliniğimizde zirkon diş kaplamaları da kullanmaktayız. Metal destekli diş kaplamaları çok dayanıklı olmalarına rağmen estetik olarak diğer diş kaplamalarının biraz gerisindedirler. Bu nedenle Türkiye'de ön diş restorasyonlarında zirkonya ve emax kuronları tercih ediyoruz. Metal destekli diş kaplamaları metal içerdiğinden daha mat bir görünüme sahiptir. Bu nedenle ışık geçirgenliği daha azdır. Ancak zirkonya ve emax diş kronları daha fazla ışık geçirgenliğine ve estetik avantajlara sahiptir. Bu nedenle Türkiye'deki hastalarımıza anterior estetik diş restorasyonları için emax ve zirkonya diş kaplamalarını öneriyoruz. Kron diş tedavilerinde en önemli şey kronun doğal diş görüntüsü gibi diş etinden çıkmasıdır. Dolayısıyla bu en ideal şekilde sağlanırsa metal destekli kronlarla son derece doğal ve estetik tedavi sonuçları sağlanır. Bu alanda uzman protez uzmanımız ile Antalya'daki hastalarımıza tüm diş kaplama tedavilerinde son derece estetik, doğal ve başarılı tedavi sonuçları verebilmekteyiz.

Advantages of Metal Backed Porcelain:

They are much more durable.
Its cost is lower.
They provide an advantage in long bridge treatments.

Disadvantages of Metal Backed Porcelain:

It is not used in people with metal allergies.
Their light transmittance is lower.
It is difficult to provide an aesthetic appearance in anterior tooth restorations.

How Much Do Dental Crowns Cost in Turkey?

Türkiye'de diş kaplama fiyatları, hastanın diş kaplama tercihine göre değişmektedir. Elbette Türkiye'deki diş klinikleri arasında diş kaplama fiyatları arasında farklılıklar bulunmaktadır. Ancak bu farklılıklar hekimlerin uzmanlığına, kullanılan malzemelerin kalitesine ve kliniklerin giderlerine göre artı ve eksilerine göre değişmektedir. Özdemir Dental Center olarak Türkiye'de rekabetçi fiyatlarla hastalarımıza en iyi diş kaplama hizmetini veriyoruz.

When Are Dental Crowns Used?

We apply it to slightly crooked and crooked teeth.
People who have lost a lot of substance in their teeth.
We prefer it for tooth decay and fractures.
Those who want to have a more aesthetically beautiful smile and teeth.
In dental and bridge applications on implants.
We use dental crowns in Turkey when staining and discoloration on the teeth are high.

Full Set Dental Crowns in Turkey

In Antalya Turkey, we apply veneers very often for full set oral treatments as we apply veneers for a few missing teeth. We have a complete dental veneer treatment set consisting of 24-28 teeth in Turkey. However, our patients may also prefer a full set of 20 teeth veneers.
In Turkey, we can apply full set mouth crown treatments when our patients want an aesthetic appearance on all their teeth. On the other hand, we prefer it in multiple tooth deficiencies, teeth with damaged structure and excessive material loss. Our patients prefer it more because full set dental crowns provide naturalness and harmony in all teeth.

When we apply a full set of dental veneers in Antalya, Turkey, we provide our patients with extra hotel or accommodation services as a package. Therefore, this accommodation fee is included in our total treatment price. We also provide VIP transfer service between airport, hotel and clinic. However, we provide this service in all treatments. In Antalya Turkey, we have a VIP service for all treatments, as with full set oral dental crowns. Thus, our patients come to our clinic for their treatment comfortably and return to their hotels.

Türkiye'de Bir Dolu Ağız Diş Kronu Fiyatları

In our clinic in Antalya, Turkey, the cost of a full set of dental veneer treatments varies according to the type of veneer. Therefore, the type of dental veneers we use determines the cost of dental veneers in Turkey. We use metal-backed, zirconia and emax dental veneers in Turkey.

Cost of Full Mouth Metal Supported Dental Crowns in Turkey

The cost of dental veneers in Turkey varies according to the quality of the material used, the expertise of the physician and the expenses of the clinic.

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns

How Long Do Dental Crowns Last?

The most important factor that determines the longevity of dental veneers is the expertise of the dentist who applies the veneer and the accuracy of this process. If the dentist does not apply the dental veneer as it should, the patient will start to have problems with this prosthesis after a while. Therefore, this dental veneer will need to be renewed. Another factor that determines the life of dental veneers is the personal behavior of the patient. If the person pays attention to oral hygiene and stays away from the behaviors that will break the coatings, the life of the coatings will be extended. In fact, patients can even use dental veneers for life. However, the average life of dental veneers varies between 10-30 years. In addition, the type of dental veneers will also affect this period.

Are Dental Crowns a Good Idea?

Dental veneers are very durable. Therefore, patients use these teeth for a long time. Dental veneers are a very good choice for teeth that have lost their essence. Because if the person delays the treatment, he will face the risk of losing his tooth. However, with crown treatment, the life of the tooth is extended and it can be used for a long time. So dental crowns will be a very good idea for patients.

Can Tooth Decay Under The Crown?

If a gap has started to form between the dental veneer and the natural tooth, and if this is not intervened, the tooth under the veneer will begin to rot. Because food residues will accumulate in this space. Then there will be increased bacterial growth. As a result, the tooth will begin to decay. In order to prevent this situation, our patients should do their oral hygiene like their own natural teeth. In addition, if patients feel a problem with their dental veneers, they should go to the dentist immediately. However, regular dental check-ups every 6 months will prevent all these problems.

Can Crowns Fall?

There is a possibility of falling and breaking tooth coatings as a result of falling and hitting. However, this is due to external factors. There are also problems with the teeth and the veneer itself. Dental veneers may fall due to mistakes made during veneer application or problems arising from the underlying natural tooth. In such problems, you can ask your doctor to replace the crown with a new one.

What Happens If A Dental Crown Is Broken?

When the crown of the tooth is broken, it is necessary to go to the dentist for treatment immediately. Due to the fracture of the crown, the tooth and root will be sensitive to air, heat and cold. Therefore, if you do not want to experience this situation for a long time, you should consult a dentist without waiting too long.

Is Changing Crowns Painful?

Our patients do not feel any pain during the placement of temporary and fixed crowns. Temporary crowns are already attached to the tooth in such a way that they can be easily removed. So they come off easily by applying a little force. However, for permanent crowns, the process is a little more difficult. The dentist can also cut the crown. Because these crowns are made very strong to the tooth. However, our patients do not feel any pain during the placement of permanent crowns.

Are Porcelain Crowns Stronger Than Teeth?

Of course, no porcelain veneer will be the same as a natural tooth. However, porcelain crowns are also highly resistant to chewing forces. With today's technology, even all-ceramic crowns have become strong enough against chewing pressures on the posterior teeth. However, any situation that will break our natural teeth will also break our veneers. For this reason, it is necessary not to apply an extra force to our tooth coatings.

How Long Does It Take for a Crown to Feel Normal?

It takes about 3-7 days to get used to your new crown teeth. However, this is a natural situation. Because a new order has formed in your mouth. So it will take some time to get used to this setup. However, if you feel an irregularity in your mouth for 1 week or more than 1 month, there may be something wrong. Then you will need to go to a dentist without too much delay.


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