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What is Endodontics (Canal Treatment)?
Endodontic treatment is the branch of treatment that deals with the treatment of decayed or infected teeth and the improvement of diseases that develop due to them. Endodontics, also known as root canal treatment, can be cured by procedures performed on the nerve endings and cleaning the infection instead of removing the decaying tooth. In root canal treatment, when the outer part of the tooth, called pulp, is damaged, it is essential to heal the inner part of the tooth in a way that will protect it. Infected or inflamed tissue can thus be healed. At the same time, root canal treatment may be needed after cases such as cracks and fractures in the tooth. Maintaining the health and function of the tooth is the main goal of endodontics.

What Does Endodontics Do?
In endodontic treatment, there is a treatment system focused on healing the damage of the nerves passing through the dental pulp. Damage to the pulp tissue causes the tooth to erode from the outside and lose its functionality inward, causing pain and infection. Damage to the dental pulp increases when the tooth is exposed to external leakage, food residues and bacteria, such as work breakage, cracking and decay. If not treated early, it can cause tooth loss. These disorders that reach the inner part of the tooth both reduce the life of the tooth and reduce the quality of life of the person. Patients may experience discomfort and sensitivity while eating and chewing.

Tooth decay occurs as the dental plaque and pulp erode and the infection progresses. In endodontic treatments, the necessary interventions are made on the nerve endings, while the infection in the tooth is also treated. Thus, it is ensured that the person can comfortably fulfill the functions of eating, drinking and speaking with his own teeth.

How is Endodontics Done?
Root canal treatment generally consists of three basic stages. First of all, x-rays are taken to diagnose the structure of the tooth and tissue. After that, the infected pulp tissue for reasons such as fracture or decay is removed from the tooth under local anesthesia. A gap is formed in the place of the removed tissue and this gap is cleaned in a way that does not damage the other tissues of the tooth. By reaching the root canals, the nerve endings of that region are inhibited. Then, the gap formed with a tooth-friendly filling material is filled according to the size of the tooth. After the last x-ray controls, the treatment is successfully completed. If you also suffer from a trauma-related discomfort or decay in your tooth, do not forget to make an appointment with your dentist to get healthy teeth with root canal treatment.