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What is Dental Lamina?

What is Dental Lamina?
What is Dental Lamina?
What is Dental Lamina?

These shells are adhered to the front surface of the teeth to change the color, shape, size or length of the teeth and improve their appearance. Porcelain laminate consisting of different thin layers of porcelain replaced by natural tooth enamel and an adhesive layer. Contrary to popular belief, there is no need to scrape the tooth in porcelain laminate production, and only some limited preparations are required to embed the laminate without damaging the natural tooth, if the appropriate treatment method is selected by the private dentist. Correct laminate function is important as well as beauty, and correct and solid bonding of natural tooth and porcelain laminate is essential. After assembly, the dentist will use photosensitive resins until the laminate is solid by polishing it with a special beam.

Can Dental Laminate Ruin Your Teeth?

As long as your dentist is an experienced cosmetologist and has sufficient experience, your natural teeth will not be damaged. Your dentist will ask you to take general X-rays of your mouth and jaw and will examine your teeth to make sure your dental laminate is right for you. If your dentist determines that laminate is not a suitable choice for you, he or she will recommend other options such as composite veneers, bonding, orthodontic, teeth whitening or just tooth shaping.

Dental Laminate Advantages

It is impossible to distinguish the difference between a laminate and a natural tooth, as the laminate is made for everyone as in their original tooth and individually. Laminas, unlike natural teeth, are resistant to tea and coffee stains, as high-tech materials are used in their construction. Laminas can provide high whitening for the darkest teeth that are resistant to other bleaching processes.

Dental Laminate Disadvantages

Making porcelain laminate is time consuming and delays laminate installation by at least a week. If the laminates are adhered correctly and the tooth destruction factors are limited or eliminated, the patient can use laminate as a natural tooth. Despite the high stability, laminates can be brittle. As with natural teeth, laminate should not be under pressure. For example; you should avoid biting nails, eating ice, and opening the drinking canes.

Tooth Laminate Procedure

The dental laminate making process consists of different steps:

First step: Necessary preparation procedures are performed in a single session on high-precision teeth to be measured with millimetric precision.

Second step: In the same session, your dentist will make a model of both your jaw teeth.

The rest of the process is postponed to the next session, about a week later. These models will be sent to the dental laboratory, the laminates will be turned into thin porcelain shells and engraved on the oven or porcelain block, making them the most beautiful, bright and transparent and similar to tooth enamel. In the second session, laminates are placed on the teeth and strongly adhered to the tooth surface with somans resin. In case of correct placement at all stages, the laminates integrate with the teeth, there are no gaps and inequalities, and you can use dental floss for cleaning like natural teeth.

Dental Laminate Care

Laminated teeth are fairly simple to care for and should be treated like your original teeth with routine brushing and flossing. Generally, your dentist will recommend using a non-abrasive fluoride toothpaste. You should visit your dentist one week after insertion to check the function of the lamina and your mouth's response to the laminae. Although you will not have problems with laminates, you should visit your dentist after a week to check your oral and dental health. If you have a habit of grinding or clenching your teeth, your dentist will recommend that you use a dental guard to avoid clenching your teeth during sleep.


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