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What is Dental Implant Application?
A dental implant is the name given to the placement of a prosthetic tooth to perform dental functions instead of real teeth lost over time. Thanks to dental implants, patients do not experience aesthetic anxiety problems due to the filling of dental cavities while they perform eating tasks such as chewing in a healthy way.

Why is a dental implant done?
Individuals may lose their teeth over time due to infection, tooth decay, loss of vitamins and minerals in the body. Causes such as inability to chew fully due to the gaps left by the extracted teeth, and difficulty in eating may reduce the quality of life of the individual. Again, bacterial growth and infection disorders may occur due to reasons such as the filling of food residues in the cavity left from the tooth. At the same time, individuals may experience aesthetic anxiety and self-confidence problems visually. For this reason, it is a treatment method applied by all individuals who need dental implants.

What Are the Side Effects of a Dental Implant?
Dental implant does not have any side effects. Taking into account the recommendations and controls of your dentist after the implant and eating properly will prevent you from experiencing any problems. Although there are problems such as mild aches and pains at first, these complaints disappear after the adaptation process. Otherwise, you should inform your dentist who is doing your treatment.

What is done in the dental implant process?
In implant treatment, prosthetic parts consisting of two parts are implanted into the gingiva and the tooth cavity. There are two types, zirconium and titanium. The root part and the artificial part, which is the core of the tooth, are placed according to the patient's tooth size after the nerve endings are inhibited. The time it takes for the root piece to sit properly may differ from patient to patient.

What are the Implant Stages?
There are two types of implants, one-stage and two-stage. In both, the condition of the teeth is determined by first performing a detailed examination and x-rays. Measurements of jaw bones and teeth are made. In the single-stage implant application, after the implant is placed, the temporary cap is attached, while in the two-stage implant treatment, the implant is covered with the gingiva, then the prosthetic head is applied. A temporary bridge is placed on both implants and the healing process is followed. This process takes 3 months for the lower jaw and 6 months for the upper jaw.

What Should Be Considered in Nutrition After Dental Implants?
After the implant, warm foods should be preferred, not hot and cold foods. Food consumption should be started with liquid foods at room temperature. Small, granular and solid foods should be avoided. You can visit the Özdemir Dental website to start implant treatment.