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Antalya Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry)

Antalya Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry)
Antalya Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry)
Antalya Pedodontics (Pediatric Dentistry)

It includes preventive and preventive treatments for milk teeth and permanent teeth in individuals from birth to mid-adolescence. Preventing cavities is the application of procedures such as root canal treatments to children aged 0-12. The primary goals of pedodontists are to enable children who come to the clinic to adopt the importance of oral care. Oral and dental health is easier to protect with habits from childhood. Children who meet the dentist at an early age and have a positive experience do not have any fear of dentists and can have their treatment done consciously and regularly when they are adults. In addition, children who have preventive treatments for permanent teeth formed in childhood face fewer dental problems in adulthood.

Pedodontists follow the oral and dental health of children, as well as their jaw and facial development, from infancy, and perform all necessary preventive and protective applications. In our Antalya Özdemir Dental Polyclinic, these practices play an important role in preventing eating disorders that may result from oral and dental problems in children.

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